I need guidance :-

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I'm just reaching out for some advice.

First of all finding Audiogon has awoken a beast that I thought was put to rest many many years ago.. I'm sure this isn't new to some of you. I blame the new HDTV I got a few weeks ago. Thank you LG <- sarcasm

I have extensive knowledge in the automotive sound realm (not boom cars). I know it doesn't 100% carry over, but the fundamentals apply. This still leaves some questions. though.

I'm edging towards a 5.1 setup.

My listening habits would be 50/50 music and movies.

The current audio part of the system includes an Aragon one (recently added) pre/pro, GFA-535 II amp , Klipsch Kg 2.2 (happy but considering upgrade), and Energy EPS-150 powered sub.

The 535 II will run my rear surrounds (most likely) and I'm looking to set up the front stage. This is where my mind is swimming with practical vs. "ohhhh baby". I should mention that I live in a condo and achieving reference levels are never going to happen. I like where I live.

My BIG question is my front amp(s)... if I'm not able to achieve reference levels (which seems to be where the wheels hit the pavement) AND if it was your money, what would you do and why?

Thank you in advance for your input.


I would reccomend a 5 channel amplifier. There are so many out there to choose from like Adcom, Sunfire, HK, Sony, Marantz, Linn . I would recearch here for the best deal as 7 channel is the HT flavor of the week so 5 channel amps are a steal and a great bang for the buck! Be sure to get a Blu-ray player too!
By reference levels I meant volume. So far my neighbors aren't bothered by me, but I try to be respectful.

I had started out looking at multi channel amps but went off course. As of this morning I was set on either 3 monos or a 3 ch monaural design for my mains and center, but I think you guys are right. The multi channel is the way to go. As I'm typing this I'm picturing a stack of amps that i really don't have room for.

Thank you everyone for the input! I'll keep you posted

Does anybody have an opinion or experience on these multi channel amps?

outlaw 770, 755, 7155, 7125, 7500

Acurus a125

I have my eye on the Aragon 2007 too, but i expect the price to jump pretty quickly when the auction nears its end.
Is it TOO LATE to convince your neighbors that you are DEAF?

I've run that game with great success. The idea of a DEAF audiophile seems never to occur to anyone as a wacky proposition.
They wouldn't buy it.. it might important to mention that there's a pro grade custom dj booth in my living room with a pair of mackie mr5's.. and they know I have it.. haha