Room Treatments - How?

I need to treat my dedicated listening room. It's small, bare and the dimensions are not ideal. I have been reading many recommendations here on Audiogon and elsewhere, so I understand that I need to analyze my room using one of a number of products like Room EQ Wizard or CARA.I also see the links to companies that will sell me pre-made traps, panels or the materials to build my own.

OK, then what? How do I get from here to there? These programs seem to do a great job of measuring and modeling the room, but how do I turn a bunch of measurements into a useable plan for designing a plan for treating the room? How am I supposed to know what I need to build or buy and apply to the room?

Am I missing a middle step here someplace?
I had good luck with Ready Acoustics, I sent them a photo of my room with the dimensions and they told me what I would need. Have experimented with more or less but found their recommendation was the best sound I have achieved. Their products are relative cheap and quite attractive. My wife [ no audiophile] insisted I get some panels for the living room video system as she liked their looks. There is no charge to get their recommendations. Not connected with them except as customer.
Thanks for the recomendations, gents. But I'm still curious - is there no program that will turn measurements into a "plan"? (for lack of a better word). Are treatments that vendor-specific?
The measurement programs will give you an idea of the problems of your room, they will not tell you which product would work best or where to place them. How could they given the multitude of products on the market. That will have to be done by you, a manufacture or a custom installer.