High Powered Wireless Network for Audio

I have frustratingly low signal strength and erratic performance with the wireless network in my house.

The culprit may be a combination of 1) ordinary Verizon DSL service and 2)a wireless G router? and/or 3) brick chimneys and concrete block within the walls of the house?

To hopefully improve, I am switching to a faster cablem modem service from Cablevision which I will install by my desk for at least a robust connection there.

Could anyone please recommend a wireless router for maximum range and signal strength? Has anyone used any wireless boosting devices? In Stereophile, I have just noticed Gigabit Powerline HD - could this be a better solution?

What is the best way to ensure a robust connection and trouble free streaming on multiple devices?


After several hours on the phone with my ISP, I still have bad results, new, staticky intereference with my cordless phones, and not one but two modems I now have to send back, on my time and at my expense.

Maybe it's just me, but one of the reasons I have participated here for about 10 years now is because I consistently get more detailed and reliable information from fellow enthusiasts than I do from say, a call center in India or the Phillippines.

Ballan, thank you.

This thread relates to another on the Squeezebox Touch, if others might be interested in this well reviewed wireless device.
Your DSL service has nothing to do with the signal strength of the wireless network in your home. It could attribute to network speed, dropouts, performance, etc., but not wireless strength.

Wireless strength is all in the transmission power of the wireless access point (in this case, your router). Look for a router that has significantly greater range than your current router. It likely has more transmission power. Also look for a router that has external antennas and possibly one that has replaceable/optional higher powered antennae. You can also add wireless extenders in your home to increase the reliable coverage area. Lastly, if possible, move your cable modem and wireless access point to an area closer to the majority of your wireless devices.

Good luck!

The only wireless speaker experience that I've had was with my subwoofer. When I had it hooked up wireless I couldn't print with my wireless printer. The subwoofer would also get some interference during internet use, but not a lot.

Is it possible that you're speakers are having some of the same issues?
I agree completely with Ballan's suggestions. Moving from an 802.11g to an 802.11n wireless router will give you greater range and eliminate the interferece from devices like cordless phones and microwave ovens, which use the same frequency band as 802.11g. That means, though, that both ends of the wireless connection have to be 802.11n. Your computer will need an 802.11n wireless card or external adapter to take advantage of the 802.11n access point.

One thing you can try with your current 802.11g setup is to switch the wireless channel. There are 11 channels available for the communication between your computer and your wireless access point and you might be able to get rid of the interference from other devices by switching from the default channel to one of the other ten channels. It won't help if the problem is signal strength but it might help if the problem is interference.

With the Apple Airport Express you specify the channel in the setup utility that is part of the system software. With other wireless routers you'll have to do it through their setup application or through browser access to the setup parameters. They're all different so you'll have to wade through the setup instructions that came with your router.

The notes contained herein on your router being the propulsive engine for your inter home operations is true.

The DSL aspect only would apply to those machines drawing directly from the internet some audio of video stream (s), or other info/data.

Merely playing video or audio files from some networked drive on the premises and conveying it to some other networked pc or mac, has noting to do with DSL speeds, thru put, etc. that’s all on your NIC cards/wireless adapters in your various wirelessly connected and networked hardware.

Please see:


80211G is fast enough to handle most any file type, IF CONFIGURED PROPERLY in the network adapter of the computer or device itself… and there’s no physical barriers to overcome via the signal broadcast freq.

What I think you need is either a stronger signal producing wireless router, or maybe, just a better antenna for the one you now have… or for the units trying to cnnect to it.

I’d also look into repositioning my wireless router. I’ve used D link in the past with pretty good results. I’m with FIOS and now have their Westell all in one router, modem, etc. only right in my office will I experience any issues usually…. That’s where the Westell unit resides. Otherwise, I can stream/watch DVDs off a NAS drive via every pc I own now, any place inside or within reason, outside the home smoothly…. Even with my 1.8GB CPU laptop running Vista!

For a time, I had a desktop using a D link USB wireless device. it was fine too in terms of connectivity and responsiveness.

Think about moving the router first, instead of replacing it. Look into the better antenna idea too. going up to N also means changing out NIC cards in each networked device… if that is possible to begin with… and not just the router itself!

Good luck.