Help a new guy get started

Hey everyone.
This is my first post so I apologize in advance if I botch it.
I am putting together a music only system for my bedroom (14x14x9) and I have a budget of about $1000-1200. I've spent lots of time reading the posts and checking out manufacturers websites and I think that has confused me more than help. At this point the NHT Classic lines look appealing as do the Image series from PSB for speakers. I'm also looking at Integrated amps and stereo receivers from Marantz, NAD and (don't curse) the new Yamaha stereo receivers released recently. For now my source will be my Macbook Pro and a small DAC like the HRT or the Nuforce. Eventually, I'd like to add something like the Olive 3, but that is down the line.

Any advice?
I was looking at the PSB B6s (6 ohm) or Polk Rti6s (8 ohm) to match with the Decco 2. I was shying away from the PSBs because of the 6 ohm rating. Are you saying that even though the amp isn't very powerful, it is stable enough to 4 ohm quarts?

i have the mb quart towers that were made in germany and sold before the reorganization in the us. pretty good speakers with titanium tweeters and ported woofers at the bottom. they play very loud with the decco. so i am of the opinion that it is very stable into 4 ohms. peachtree has a site and fbook page. maybe ask there if anyone has tried these speakers. if clipped and i just tested it with magnepans and dcm speakers it makes a bad noise but this is the characteristic of this class of amp and the decco isn,t designed for these speakers because they are innefficient. i listen to pink floyd, led zepplin type rock but not at earth shattering levels. but i do get loud.
If you like the NHT sound (as I do), I'd recommend the HRT Streamer II+ DAC btwn your PC and a pair of NHT M00 monitors. As $ permit, add the S00 sub and you've got a pretty damn good system. I have mine hooked up to my music server and its really quite impressive. NHT M00s are $500/pair new, PVC volume control $100, HRT II+ $350. Total cost <$1K and sounds very, very good.
After a lot of reading and research I bought a Peachtree Decco2 and a pair of Polk Audio RTi A3s. They came in last night and I let them start loosening up on Steely Dan, Shirley Horn, Wynton Marsalis, John Mellancamp and The Messiah.
So far I really like the Decco 2. I can see why people purchase an amp to go with their Peachtree. The Polks are relatively efficient, but the volume was at 12 o'clock before the sound was enveloping, and at 2-3 o'clock the sound got stuffy with the tube. I didn't really get that stuffiness with the headphones.

Still like it though and will go grade a handful of essays while l
listen some more.
Thanks for all of your help with guiding my purchase everyone.
Very nice. Congratulations! Consider biamping those speakers down the road, since you have the capability. Borrow an extra amp sometime and set up a simple passive biamp situation (Decco2 powering the tweeters and a two-channel powering the subs). You may like it enough to drop some extra change on a reasonable craiglist find.

I remember grading papers in grad school. What do you teach, if you don't my asking?