Detail Magnifiers by Econotweek

I just recieved some sets of these for my Bi wire speakers.
Not sure if these take time to break in.
I was told they sound great right away, others have said they take a few weeks.
Right now I am not sure if they are doing anything. I also have the Ground Controls on the speakers.

I was wondering if anyone else has these and perhaps could give an opinion of these compared to the Walkers.
The web site says you have to use them for a while, and then take them off, to hear how much they do. They say it is like having a heavy woolen Burka lifted from in front of your speakers.
All kidding aside they are RC networks which do have a positive effect on many speakers. The seller compares them directly to Walker Audio Valid Points.
I know people who have used them but for unexplained reasons take them off and sell them.
Mechans, Thanks for your comments.
So, far they have about 1 hour of playing time and they were quite cool when I installed them (directly from the packing box).
It did seen like they were getting better towards the end of that hour.
Tommorrow I will play them much longer.
A speaker "snubber". Essentially, a high pass spike filter that's supposed to absorb RFI/EMI as advertised. Don't think so. Behind a Pass X350.5. WTF?