"The Heat Pipes are coming"... The Heat Pipes are

What is a Heat Pipe? and why you should care. A Heat Pipe( hp from hear on out)is a heat transfer mechanism that combines the principles of both thermal conductivity and phase transition to efficiently manage the transfer heat between two solid interfaces. And why should you in Audio-land care. In short the Heat Pipes (hp) transfers heat from audio equipment and audio listening rooms to make them both sound better. That's a bold statement for sure. But before you boil over and get ready to blast my post, remember there is Heat Pipe (hp) in the very computer or Laptop you are on right now. It's keeping everything in your computer cool inside so it can work as efficiently as possible. A hp contains no mechanical moving parts, and typically require no maintenance. The hp's are PASSIVE devices that are place on top of equipment and placed in your listening room. In short my dedicated listening room with sound reinforcement, diffusers, dedicated lines, and all kinds of isolation devices for my equipment. I Have never addressed the heat coming from my equipment. Since I have all solid state gear, I never thought it was necessary. But when I started putting the hp's on top of my amps near the transformer. There was a noticeable improvement. Then I did the same with my preamp near the power supply the same improvement. Then I put one on all 4 of my players, SACD,DVD-AUDIO,CD, CD 5-DISC players I was sold. The cherry on top was when I put the extra hp's around my listening room. IMPORTANT: I did not have to remove one piece of sound reinforcement when I introduce the hp's in the environment. They just make what's there work better. They look like Aluminum heat sinks with two copper tube coming out of them. I do have one that has 4 copper tubes in it, and looks to be all copper heat sinks included. I even have some that do not have any copper tubes at all , just all aluminium. The ones with the copper tube are better than the all aluminum ones everywhere I compared them at, which was everywhere. So let that Heat Pipe (hp) in your computer go to work and give me your feed back if you think like me that the "Heat Pipes are coming"... "The Heat Pipes are coming".
Hi, Metralla. I will find a web sight for you with a picture for you of the Heat Pipes that I am using. I am glad we are of like mind. Talk to to soon.
You are telling us that removing heat = better sound. I am telling you that lowering the thermostat removes heat faster, increasing the surface area of the equipment case removes heat faster and increasing the conductivity of the equipment case removes heat faster. The hp's supposedly remove heat faster. How is this different from those other modes of heat transfer?

What about equipment with vent holes? Fundamental heat transfer will tell you convection removes heat faster than conduction (the basis of hp's).

Let's continue with fundamental heat transfer. As heat is removed from a source into the surroundings (the room), the surrounding air temperature increases. As the temperature of the room increases, the rate of heat transfer from the equipment decreases (the temperature differential is less). No matter how these hp's are designed, they must stop working when the temperature of the room equals the temperature of the equipment. The first law of thermodynamics isn't excused from audio equipment. Conversely, if the temperature of the room lowers, the rate of heat transfer increases. If you use a computer in a refrigerated room you do not need heat sinks around the processor.

I never ever question anybody's perception of what they hear no matter how improbable the tweak or the technology. I make no exception with the hp's. If they work, then there must be something else (increased resonance dampening due to weight on the chassis comes to mind). But please do not tell us that the fundamental laws of physics are suspended.
Okay all you Heat Pipe doubters, listen to this true story and become believers:

It was a really hot day when I wanted to run 4 or 5 miles. So, as any reasonable and intelligent Audiogon member would obviously do, I attached one of these Heat Pipes to my head with a boat load of conductive paste and a chin strap to hold it in place.

I'm not sure it cooled me down much but, and this is the amazing part, I forgot I had it on when I jumped in the shower and began singing "Roxanne" at full volume like I always do in the shower. You would not beleive how good I sounded, like I had upgraded my vocal chords. Anyone hearing it would have thought Sting was in the shower with me singing. I'm reasonably sure he wasn't in the shower with me. However, I would probably have to refuse testifying to this if I was under oath. Well, there you have it naysayers. Now you smarty-pants aren't so sure, right? I'm ordering the waterproof model.
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Must be a new jet that runs on that new top secret "Magic Mist" fuel. Tube coolers on the turbines!