DIY record cleaning solution recipe needed

Do you make your own cleaning solution? Would denatured water and isopropanol work? Is that bad for vinyl? I'm using a cheapo Discwasher brush with D4 fluid. I want to make my own fluid! Thanks for any info.
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I personally like to steam clean my records and then dry them with a microfiber towel...well its only an alternative. :)
if you're worried about residues.
Anything with alcohol is a mistake. Go to an online medical supply house, and buy a gallon of their deionizing liquid cleaner, which is used by hospitals to clean surgical instruments. If it cleans scalpels used in brain surgery, you can trust it doesn't leave any residue, LOL. You can mix the cleaner with distilled water in any ratio you like, I use ten parts water to one part cleaner, but you can experiment. In any case, this is the best cleaning agent available, as good as any sold by audiophile companies and your cost will be very, very low in comparison.
Balthus, what is a deionized liquid cleaner? Do you mean an enzyme cleaner? Also, the cleaning of surgical instruments is more concerned with sterilization i.e. the killing of all forms of life, thus eliminating the possibility of infection.
I have a question for you a response you made regarding a ARC sp-5. You mentioned your sp-6 that you had modified with the protective circuitry removed. I have a sp-6 paired with an ARC d-110b. Curious how removing the protective circuit affects the sound. Thanks, - Charles
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