Power Cord for Power Conditioner

I'm trying to figure out if it is absolutely necessary to use a company's power cord with their power conditioners. No brand in particular.Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,
Grant - Let me add that these narrow spikes have width (conduction angle) and therefore peak amplitude dependent on impedance of power transformer and ESR of capacitors (Schaffer's diagrams). Often with huge banks of capacitors in parallel (very low ESR) and big transformers peaks can be really high. It causes big voltage drops in power cords but also heats-up transformers since rms value of power (related to heat) is much higher than average value hence heating windings, while high frequency content heats-up the core. This high frequency content of the very high current spikes is also radiated by the cord. Linear power supply is in reality a switching power supply operating at 120Hz where "ON" time is proportional to load.

As for telling others what they should or shouldn't hear I'm guilty of it as well. I expressed opinion that Benchmark DAC1 is insensitive to transports and digital cables knowing that it has huge jitter suppression (2Hz jitter bandwidth) in order of >100dB at the frequencies of interest (kHz) on the top of very low amplitude of the sidebands (-60dB) created by the jitter. Many people confirmed it but also many found difference in their systems. I don't know why and cannot explain it, but it was wrong for me to say they imagined it. Perhaps something else changed - like electrical noise (FCC requires transmitters to cut power around 6PM), warming of the gear (often ferrofluid in the tweeters), ground loops or just simply I'm wrong and Benchmark is not that perfect. Now I only say that I cannot hear any difference IN MY SYSTEM.
You folks on Agon are lucky.
The mods at Cannuck Audio Mat(CAM) where I am held in low esteme for being and UN denier-would havelocked this thread down or deleted my posts for posting my experiences with after market power cords, be they DIY or store bought.

I guess I am of the Shunyata faith, but I've given ypou th reason for that.

I just as well could have be a follower of Kubala Sosna, but they weren't around for the comparison.

The point is, it's not what brand of power cord you choose, it's the fact that you are choosing one that isn't stock thatnirks the deniers.
I coined a term wallpluggers-for folks who like to plug straight into the wall.Mostly with stock power cords.

However I've seen the term denier used and to me it's more appropo.
It covers more ground and includes other things beside plugging direct into the wall sans power conditioner or aftermaket PC.

Now I've asked it up there in the Great white north(where censorship and a lack of your first ammendament rights)and I'll ask it here, "what pleasure or purpose do the Deniers get from , well denying that, anything like fuses or power cords or power conditioning make an audible improvement?

Surely I must be smart enough to have earned enough money to buy theis stuff, am I not also snmart enough to spend it on what I want?

Whose ears are listening to this stuff anyways, your or mine?

Now another point I've made before in that other place-how can you know if this stuff makes a difference or not if you have never and will never use it?

How can you tell me it made no improvement in my system?
And you think I am a mystic?
"And I bet most of the high end cables out there are merely off the shelf wire that everyone else uses. "

If you read what is on the Shunyata website, they agree with you.

"The majority of cable manufacturers buy their wire pre-made from major US or overseas suppliers. In many cases, it will be the least expensive wire available given that it is hidden from view."
Excellant reply Grant.

I am glad you stepped out of the shadows.

Some folks rip the guts out of old vintage gear at great expense , and replace old worn parts with newer designer devices, yet they can't wrap their minds around power cords.

If something as small as a resistor or capacitor makes a sonic difference, and some folks prefer one brand over another and can hear the difference,(if they couldn't hear any difference how could they prefer one over the other?). When the very first thing their project sees is the power cord,how can they place so little importance to it?

In fact without the power cord, everything else is in vain.

And for me, it is in vain, if you end up plugging the project into the wall with a stock power cord.