Should I use 2 different Power Conditioners?

I am currently using an APC power conditioner for all my gear. I do have a spare Monster Unit lying about that would allow me to divide up the task. I am thinking of using it for HT to reduce the burden on the APC.
Does this make any sense? I may give it a spin unless this is a waste of time.
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I agree with Elizabeth. I have a PS Audio Quintet for my main gear. The turntable and phono pre are in a PS Audio Duet. The video gear is in a separate circuit with an old Adcom. Anything to eliminate hum.

You might try sticking the digital stuff on the Monster, and all the rest on the APC to separate the digital from the other equipment.

So the Tubes pre amp, Phono pre and TT on the APC ?

How about the HT stuff?
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My powerconditioner has an isolation transforrmer included. Into it I plug all low current and digital stuff. The TV goes into a hi-current outlet while the amp and sub have there own circuit with a PSAudio Soloist outlet.
The conditioner has much isolation between sections other than the iso transformer so I don't worry about interaction.