Isolation transformer - does it offer protection

Say I have an isolation transformer "isolating" a sub panel and then a few dedicated circuits from that sub panel to a listening room where all audio equipment is connected to these curcuits.

Does the isolation transformer help protect equipment from power surge/spikes. If so, why. If not, why not.

Thanks to all with the technical background to help with this question.
BTW, the shield shunting to ground obviously requires that an outlet, it's corresponding fused circuit/panel, and the entire house are properly grounded in the first place - which a frightening number are not.
07-12-11: Jedinite24
Nope it doesn't...I had an amp plugged into an industrial 1.8 KVA Topaz Isolation transformer
While that might seem like a large isolation transformer by weight, it really isn't that large when it comes to electrical spikes. 1.8KVA=120V x 15A.

I bought six Topaz 2.4KVA Ultra-Isolators from a guy who was using three in series per channel, which is called "cascading"(?). He was doing so for common noise reduction, but the effect also works for filtering of spikes(I think). Each succeeding transformer knocks down the remaining spike until none, or very little, is passed.

Or, you can just do it right from square one and get a big daddy at your panel like Mike.
Depends on the frequency response characterisitcs of the transformer and its construction.

For mid frequency transients, it may work very well. But some solation transformers capacitively couple very high frequency spikes from input to output without significant attenuation. So you cannot use them by themselves without additional surge protection.

I prefer using a good transient surge protection like Furman's products better than an isolation transformer.
07-20-11: Dhl93449
...But some solation transformers capacitively couple very high frequency spikes from input to output without significant attenuation. So you cannot use them by themselves without additional surge protection.
I was not aware of this, thanks for the tip.
Seek some thorough advice. http://

My house was once hit by lightening a mere 6 feet from my on stereo. The system was plugged into a Sound Application unit. While most of the electronic on one side of my house was fried, neither the SA or my system were harmed.

your link doesn't work.. too many http://

Perhaps the SA wasn't harmed...

Many surge protectors have components that absorb the spike but by design they get fried in the process. It is possible that your unit protected your stereo but can't do it again.
