Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?

More accurate, mind you, not better sounding. We've all agreed on that one already, right?

How about more precise?

Any metrics or quantitative facts to support your case is appreciated.
The world is digital at the micro level but analog at the macro so there is no real answer to this question.
Stanwal, this statement does not make any sense! I believe it's the reverse - The world is analog at the micro level & digital at the macro level. As you ascend from the micro level to the macro level, you can quantize the info & make it digital (thereby losing as much as info as you deem fit depending the levels of quantization).
If the world is/was digital at the micro level, converting it to analog at the macro level means that we do not generate any new info. if the world is digital at the micro level it means that things exist only in discrete states. does this even make sense?
Think of Brownian motion - is it digital? I don't think so.....
i read "Redbook CD has a restricted top end compared to the best vinyl" and i can't really disagree. however, the question does not ask what is better, average digital or the best vinyl. a good hi res digital recording (96 and above) played on a system set up for it, is incredibly accurate and precise. way more so then any vinyl rig i've ever heard. since i haven't had an opportunity to listen to "the best" vinyl systems out there, i won't make a blanket statement here(and get pounced on =) ). i have listened to some pretty good ones though. i can say that when comparing the best i've heard from both sides, i think digital is more precise and accurate.
I think in the strict sense of the term digital is better, the best digital IMO trumps the best vinyl in this instance, one big reason for me is low frequency capability.
I have found when I upgraded my cartridge about 9 months ago that I was missing information buried in the grooves of vinyl records. I would have said digital was more acurate before then, but I beleive now that vinyl contains more information. It just takes the investment in turntable and cartridge to extract it (along with other sorted related equipment of course). MHO of course.
Strictly speaking in terms of accuracy I would have to say digital due to the lack of Dynamic Range in Vinyl media and the accuracy of the RIAA curves in the Phono Preamp.