Mapman, the in-harmonic issue is easily demonstrated. I have to admit I was shocked the first time it was demonstrated to me. You take a sine wave sweep tone and play it back- listen for the 'birdies'.
If your not hearing the brightness of digital there are really only three explanations- either you have a high frequency rolloff in the system that complements the digital artifact or you have a high frequency rolloff in your ears. The third explanation is you have not heard a good analog playback on your system. Of the three, the latter is the most common- most people can hear digital artifacts just fine- I know someone who was deaf in one ear and 50% in the other and he had no problems discerning digital vs analog.
It is very common to hear really excellent digital recordings these days that make you wonder if they are finally there. The real question is, no matter how good the digital, 'what would this have sounded like if an analog recording system was used?' For that I recommend to anyone to try it themselves, of course they might have a bit of a time chasing down the analog equipment :)
I run a recording studio so we see this sort of comparison all the time. I get asked, 'why do you have all this old analog crap?' all the time. I just sit them down and play the difference. They never leave with any questions.
If your not hearing the brightness of digital there are really only three explanations- either you have a high frequency rolloff in the system that complements the digital artifact or you have a high frequency rolloff in your ears. The third explanation is you have not heard a good analog playback on your system. Of the three, the latter is the most common- most people can hear digital artifacts just fine- I know someone who was deaf in one ear and 50% in the other and he had no problems discerning digital vs analog.
It is very common to hear really excellent digital recordings these days that make you wonder if they are finally there. The real question is, no matter how good the digital, 'what would this have sounded like if an analog recording system was used?' For that I recommend to anyone to try it themselves, of course they might have a bit of a time chasing down the analog equipment :)
I run a recording studio so we see this sort of comparison all the time. I get asked, 'why do you have all this old analog crap?' all the time. I just sit them down and play the difference. They never leave with any questions.