Know anything about the BSG Technologies QOL?

Hi there, I just saw a local dealer advertising this on craigslist, They wont tell you anything about it except it works, it half sounds like snake oil and half sounds like it could be something.

They claim it is all analog and retrieves inner detail and has the "WOW FACTOR".

My guess after talking to the guy is is might be disgned around smoothing out microphone curves maybe? or sending out a ton of above 20KHZ info to do some pshycho acoustic/room type thing?

I'm just tripped out they wont tell you anything except, well set it up, if you like it awesome if not dont buy it.

I am genuinely intrigued to see if its truly real and if anyone has expreience. It would be nice to save a long drive to hear something or have something to look forward to on the drive.
I understand the negative comments and thoughts about the qol unit. Adding extra cable and another unit in my stereo seemed foolish, but the tout about the 30 trial and a talk with Larry Kay convinced me to try it. In my comments on another thread i talk about the positive effect the qol unit had in my system. The reason for this thread is to make comment about value of qol in the high-end vs mid to low-fi. I have an ARC LS-27 pre and an ARC DS-450 amp. An Esoteric SA-50 digital front end and Clear Audio TT and cartridge are sources and speakers are the Sophia III's. All cable is Transparent from the very upper levels of choice and 1 Cardas clear for the qol. All units are placed on the latest Stillpoints rack with Stillpoint Ultra footers between all units and rack. And Stillpoints also under speakers and sub woofers. I have 3 seperate 20amp dedicated lines for stereo, one for each JL-113 sub and 1 for the main units. I also have 2 quantum qx-4 to deal with RFI & EMI. All power cables are Shunyata's TOL or near. Shunyata,s V-ray II is plugged into a Shunyata outlet with all units plugged into it. My point is I feel my stereo is fairly high-end and I was very pleased and happy, now I am extremely pleased and happy since adding qol unit. Long live qol. Marc
Well let me tell ya about my day enjoying this device. I was blown away. Speakers were magico q5. All gear was top notch. Also used the v3 magicos and all I can say is I'm buying one. I would of loved to had this piece of gear at one of my studios when making records. The sound stage expanded. There was about 2 DB gain over defeat. Maybe more info getting added with better phase. I heard with analog mono records it makes a huge difference. Also what I was told that about 90 percent of recording will benefit from having it in signal path. Really cool unit. I hope it takes off
I just read Robert Harley's review of the qol unit in the new TAS issue. In his super high-end system he lusts and loves the qol unit also. Once you hear the obvious benefits you will be spoiled. Long live qol, I need it every night!

I read it too... confirmed much of what I am hearing and what BSGT has been saying all along. And yes, it is still a daily enjoyment for me too.

thanks for remaining active in the topic.