Know anything about the BSG Technologies QOL?

Hi there, I just saw a local dealer advertising this on craigslist, They wont tell you anything about it except it works, it half sounds like snake oil and half sounds like it could be something.

They claim it is all analog and retrieves inner detail and has the "WOW FACTOR".

My guess after talking to the guy is is might be disgned around smoothing out microphone curves maybe? or sending out a ton of above 20KHZ info to do some pshycho acoustic/room type thing?

I'm just tripped out they wont tell you anything except, well set it up, if you like it awesome if not dont buy it.

I am genuinely intrigued to see if its truly real and if anyone has expreience. It would be nice to save a long drive to hear something or have something to look forward to on the drive.
Without a doubt, the Hi Fi tuning fuse is worth the money. I had some delay, because I ordered the wrong size. It seems to smooth out the sound and remove a small amount of grit.
Preale, I have the regular version of the HIFI Tuning fuse in mine. I'm going to get a Supreme.

Oddiophool, the 6 moons review was poorly written, I couldn’t tell if they liked it or not.
Suffice to say I find all their reviews too flowery with little substance. The Qol needs to be listened with the volume left alone instead of constantly fiddling with it like they did in the review. The dynamics is one of its main virtues.
Plus they tried it in so many systems with so many different listeners. Terrible way to do an analyis.
I just read the review, which taught me more about frying eggs than anything else. Something alluded to in a letter in this month's Absolute Sound indicates that there is an increase in forwardness of the image. In my system (Sound Lab M-1 PX electrostats) the Qol seems to stabilize the image in speakers that often sound too recessed under normal circumstances. In the 6 moons article manufacturers reply, Larry Kay is correct when he states that the variability is in the recordings. We all have noticed the annoying lack of consistency in R-L balance in any number of recordings, just to name one issue. I agree with Oddiophool: put the Qol in one system and live with it. After about two months with the unit I have found that, in general, it makes the sound more cohesive with little or no loss of transparency. I would like to have heard a comparison of the effect of Qol on the Duntech Sovereigns vs. the Beveridge electrostats.