If one suspects they have a Jitter problem with their system, how might it manifest it's impact on the analog output.
I second Kijanki's excellent comments, and I would add the following thoughts, which I composed before seeing his response:
IMO it's very unpredictable, and the symptoms will vary widely depending on the spectral characteristics of the jitter, which can be expected to be a very complex mix of discrete frequency components and broadband noise-like components. Some of those components will be correlated with the values of the 1's and 0's defining the music data (which is different than being correlated with the music itself), and some will not be.
Perhaps essentially all that can be said is that there will be a loss of clarity, and an increase in distortion.
The following papers may be helpful. The second one, although highly technical, conveys a sense of how complex it all is, and by implication (as I see it) that the effects of digital cables and digital interfaces should not be thought of in the same kinds of ways that we use in describing the effects of audio frequency analog cables, e.g., "overly warm" (notwithstanding the fact that a given cable may create that perception in a given specific system):
-- Al