Active crossovers

Hey all. I'm currently working on an active 3 way system and wondering if and what options are available. The plan is a tri-amped configuration with a Behringer crossover but my question is whether there is such a thing as an electronic crossover that does not require multiple amps. Finding or designing a suitable passive crossover is far beyond my means and in my humble opinion they are a dinosaur anyway. I have three amps ready to go but having the option of just one would be the ultimate versatility. Thoughts? Thank you.
Please divulge your equipment, set-up and anticipated results desired to achieve.
A wealth of knowledge abounds here.

You don't mention a budget but you could go the computer route like I did. Take a look at my system.

The Behringer is amazing for what it costs but you'll get a LOT better performance with a pro audio interface like RME and others.

Csontos, I have been using a Driver Rack Pa.This unit is in the same league as the Behringer.I have had this active system for two years. I highly encourage you to do so as well.

Herman, have you any expierence with other cross overs? ASi-tek mods the Behringer, I have spent some time considering that unit or maybe a Marchand.

Asi-tek has a upgrade option to mod the Behriger with transformer coupled outputs. i guess this is similar to the modded RME.

Csontos, I hope I am not redirecting your line of questioning. i am most interested in all discussions about active systems.

I used a Behringer before I switched to this set up. It was highly modified and did sound pretty good. The output opamps were bypassed and I used Dave Slagle (Intact Audio) transformers, the clock was replaced, and a linear power supply used. I'm using the same transformers in the RME. I was thinking about replacing the DAC chips which is supposed to be a big improvement when I decided to go with the RME.

I could have lived with it but the RME is better and allowed me to use Pure Vinyl software without having to have a phono preamp. If not for that I would probably still have the Behringer. The RME is not a LOT better than the modified unit but is a LOT better than the stock unit.

