Active crossovers

Hey all. I'm currently working on an active 3 way system and wondering if and what options are available. The plan is a tri-amped configuration with a Behringer crossover but my question is whether there is such a thing as an electronic crossover that does not require multiple amps. Finding or designing a suitable passive crossover is far beyond my means and in my humble opinion they are a dinosaur anyway. I have three amps ready to go but having the option of just one would be the ultimate versatility. Thoughts? Thank you.
How can you think of using an electronic crossover in an active configuration without multiple amps? Impossible.

If you mean getting one multichannel amp to replace all of your amps, sure. There are amps with many channels. Just define your power needs.

If you mean getting integrated amps/crossover, Linn offers this in their Majik range.

Please divulge your equipment, set-up and anticipated results desired to achieve.
A wealth of knowledge abounds here.

You don't mention a budget but you could go the computer route like I did. Take a look at my system.

The Behringer is amazing for what it costs but you'll get a LOT better performance with a pro audio interface like RME and others.

Csontos, I have been using a Driver Rack Pa.This unit is in the same league as the Behringer.I have had this active system for two years. I highly encourage you to do so as well.

Herman, have you any expierence with other cross overs? ASi-tek mods the Behringer, I have spent some time considering that unit or maybe a Marchand.

Asi-tek has a upgrade option to mod the Behriger with transformer coupled outputs. i guess this is similar to the modded RME.

Csontos, I hope I am not redirecting your line of questioning. i am most interested in all discussions about active systems.