What is your listening level?

Is 85db the ideal listening level?
Right below clipping. 110 decibels I guess. 12X8X20 room 600 watt Bryston and OHM 5000s. I love it loud.
Blueranger- 110 dB!!! Hope your health insurance covers hearing aids- you're gonna need them.
Yes, Blueranger, if you listen at 110dB without some kind of hearing protection, you will suffer some damage in just over 2 minutes of continuous exposure, on average!! I have posted a report on this in a recent thread, if you care to look it up. If you need me to provide a link, let me know.

In all seriousness, if you have done this on a regular basis, you really do need to go get your hearing checked, and you need to turn the volume WAY down to avoid any further damage.
I have a sound meter on mty Droid. It generally shows a range between 65 - 90 and averages about 80+db most times.