Need some help with an amp.

Once again, I need some information/help. I just got an Aragon 2004 from ebay. I am getting some humming/buzzing from the speakers. It is louder from the left speaker than it is from the right.

I disconnected everything, unplugged everything except the amp and the left the speakers connected and I'm still getting a hum. So, I plugged everything back in.

Now, for some observations.

1. Everything was plugged in and connected. My preamp was in standby. The switch on the amp was off. I unplugged the interconnects from the amp, so that amp is sitting there, plugged in with the speakers connected with the switch off and nothing hooked up to it in terms of interconnects. I grabbed an interconnect and got a loud hum from one of the speakers. The only thing that the interconnect was connected to was the preamp (NOT the amp).

2. I went to plug the interconnects back into the amp. The preamp is still in standby and the switch on the amp is off. With one of the interconnect plugs in my hand, I was reaching behind the amp to plug it in, my bare arm touched the amp and I got a little shock. Not a big one, but I can definitely feel a small current.

3. With the preamp in standby and the switch on the amp off and the interconnects disconnected from the amp, I touched my bare arm on the case of the amp and grabbed the connector on the interconnect with my other hand and felt the "shock" on my bare arm.

Can anyone tell me what's up?

Since you had the amp worked on, I'm afraid you probably don't have a leg to stand on in a dispute. You should have immediately contacted the seller when you found the problem.
Yeah, I know guys. I just let my emotions get the better of me. I've been wanting an Aragon for a while and I don't see too many 2004s for sale. When I saw this one, I snapped it up.

Tpreaves, you are right. Still, I wanted the amp and now I have it and didn't get ripped too badly. On the bright side, I have the amp that I wanted. I got it for around $350 and the additional costs that I paid are going into the peace of mind category, since the amp has now been gone through by someone that I trust.

Of course, the seller took the position that I must have broken it and he isn't helping out, so I'm kind of stuck; but I am sitting here listening to my system and loving it.
Man, I did leave a pretty nasty feedback, but after thinking about it, I retracted it. In truth, I kind of screwed the pooch on this one. Although I think the seller was maybe a little less than honest with regard to the shape of the amp, it is also true that I could have gotten a refund rather than having it fixed.

Getting it fixed was on me, just because I wanted to keep the amp. They're pretty hard to come by.
Than say that in your feedback.
'Amp needed xx$ in repair within XX days of receipt. It had been represented as in perfect condition'....
or whatever the facts are.