BPT 3.5, Audience aR12, or Equitech 1.5Q?

After years of ignoring this facet of my system(s), I'm finally looking into a quality power conditioner. I've narrowed it down to an Equi=tech 1.5Q or Son of Q, Audience aR12 or possibly ar6-T (little outside budget), or BPT 3.5 or 3.5 Signature. Anybody have experience with 2 or more of these? Please, let's try to keep the discussion to these units. Thanks.
I have`nt heard 2 of the the 3 choices.The BPT 3.5 I `ve owned for 3 years and it is superb. My entire system is plugged into it and the sound improvement is substantial. Every parameter improves with it`s use and I`ve yet to find a negative tradeoff. The noise floor is much less, this allows the music more nuance,dynamic flow/ease and there`s improved 'natural'tone and dimensionality.The overall presentation is larger in scale and improves realism in my experience.

Balanced AC power has become absolutely mandatory now.
I `d think the BPT and Equitech are very similar in results. My BPT is silent and has no hum issues.
Best Regards,
I have an Audience aR6 and like it a lot. If you decide on an Audience, be aware that at some point Audience changed the grounding system on both the aR6 and the aR12’s. The Audience website mentions an upgrade option, and identifies how you can tell if a specific unit has the newer grounding system.
I have owned both the Hydra 8, BPT 3.5 Sig, and the Equi=Tech 1.5Q over the years. My amps lost dynamics with the 1.5Q and sounded better going to the wall. The Hydra 8 did not have this problem, and sounded very good. The BPT 3.5 Sig. sounded even better than the Hydra 8, with improved dynamics, detail and 3-D soundstage.
You will find that the stock power cords for each will be a VERY limiting factor. Upgraded cords from these units to the wall make a big difference.
Bigshutterbug, that's a good point. The Audience units come with a powerChord e, which is my cord of choice and used elsewhere in my system. It would be great to hear from somebody who has used an aR6 or aR12 and one of the balanced power units.

Raks, I'm not seeing the info on the newer grounding system for the regular models, but I have read elsewhere of the changes with the T and TS models. Is that what you were referring to?