Wireless to my audio system ?

I would like to try using my Mac and streaming it to my audio system for music stations broadcasting on line. I have not looked into stream rates nor how this stuff gets from one place to another, verses sound. My question being... What products are out there, that DOES NOT cost an arm and a leg to get started to see if I even want to go this route. Currently I am using AR pre-amp and Krell amp. Thank you for any suggestions you folks may have.
regards, Dave
I understand that there are Apple products out there but I am familiar with the SqueezeBox Touch which does this very well.

Another common way to do it is to stream to an Apple Airport Express then connect the mini-Toslink digital output from the AE to the optical input of an external DAC. Even a used 802.11g previous-generation AE is plenty fast enough and can easily be found on ebay or craigslist for under $50 if you're interested in keeping the experiment inexpensive.

Of course you need to have a DAC or a player of some kind with optical input, which can cost anywhere from $50 to many thousands of dollars.

As suggested, an uncomplicated approach is the Squeezebox Touch.