New 12AX7s from Audio Research

I'm buying a new set of 12AX7 tubes from Audio Research for my SP16.

AR is apparently switching suppliers due to unspecified issues with the prior supplier.

The tubes will cost $40 each compared to $25 prior. That is to get tubes that meet the AR standards according to the rep.

I payed $20 per tube for 12AX7s from Guitar Center last time around. These work well but a touch noisy in the phono section.

So anyway, this sounded like a new development with AR so I thought I'd share. Tube prices appear to be going up, along with most everything else these days.
I would get matched tubes from Vintage Tubes in Michigan, Great prices and service! I have used him to retube both a Ref 3 pre and Aesthetix Atlas amp with better than factory results. AR checks closely for matched output but you can get a better suited for you sound with a quick conversation and still have matched tubes, often cheaper. Cheers
For about that kind of money, you can buy the new Psvane 12AX7 Grade A, fully matched from Grant Fidelity. I have some of these in one of my phono stages and LOVE them. I think there is someone here on the 'Gon that sells them also. I have only purchased from Grant Fidelity...excellent company.
The new 12ax7 tubes from ARC are in and sounding good.

ARCs new 12ax7 tubes are "West German".

Does that infer Telefunken or could they be from some other W. German maker?
Are these ARC tubes "new production" or NOS, (new, old stock?). I wasn't aware of any new production tubes coming out of West Germany? Maybe there is a new plant there.

If they are NOS, could be Telefunken, Siemens or Amperex.

Glad they sound good and you like them.