Just sold my Dynavector XV-1s

Sold my XV-1s to a Audiogon member with no feedback. He emailed me that he had only one channel working. It worked perfectly when I removed it and put it back in the original packing to send. I told him to reverse the cables from his T.T. to phono pre and see if the other channel worked. If the same channel still worked he had a problem with his T.T. Any other ideas...
Try reversing the cables attached to the phono cartridge itself to make sure that he doesn't have a broken wire in his tonearm.
This always scares me. I'm shipping out a expensive cartridge next week. Did you ship it insured?
He is sending it back for a refund. I tried coaching him through some tests by email, I'm not sure of his efforts. He said he reinstalled his Grado cart and has no problems. I have had a hard time dealing with folks with 0 Audiogon feedback in the past and this is the last one for me.
I will issue a refund once I have the cart back in my hands. My worry is he will subsitute a none working XV-1s for my nm cart. Just another creative scam that we are all exposed too here on Audiogon.
Yes I had it Insured for the full value.
>>My worry is he will subsitute a none working XV-1s for my nm cart.<<

Check the serial number is correct before issuing a refund.
I didn't think of that switcharoo scam, I'll have to write down the serial number of my cartridge BEFORE I ship it. What about filing a shipping damage claim? It's possible that the shipper drop kicked the XV-1s.
I will test and inspect it when it arrives. Is there a serial # stamped on the body? I did look at the cartridge very closely with magnification before shipping and do not recall seeing a serial# The certificate was with the cart. with the serial# on it.
I guess I can't rule out shipping damage...the buyer did not mention damage to the packing.