There's no peer pressure, and it's not an exclusive club.
Anyone can join in.
It need not be expensive,there's a lot you can do yourself ,when in doubt hire a professional.
Vibrations can ruin your sound but can be easily overcome, buy the stuff or make it.
The room can be a real problem,DIY or buy, your choice.
Upgrading power products and working from the panel to your electronics is just as important and very often either overlooked or not given the respect it deserves,see above post.
If some folks can't hear the differences in wires or power cords etc, then I would speculate that there could be something wrong somewhere in the their listening room and that is impairing one's ability to discerne differences.
Then again, you do have to train your ears and passive listening isn't the order of the day.
Also, most improvements to one's sound are incremental.
It's always been my experience that the more you address the above scenarios,the better the system sounds over time, not night and day.
Addressing only one of audios pitfalls and you may not notice a change(new power cord sounds no better).
But address all or several and then you can notice differences more easily.
One other thing I would like to address is audio expectations.
Are you looking for a day and night difference in your sound by using that one new tweak(power cord)in an untreated, vibration prone,straight into the wall system?
My take is that there's a 50/50 chance that you won't find much of a difference, and that's saying nothing about one's hearing abilities.
Day and night differences or great expectations of total system transformations is a real problem in my book.Over exagerated claims of such transformations by the mere insertion of a upgraded fuse or receptacle can do as much harm as good, dependant of course into what kind of system they are used in.
Here's the picture-Reviewer AZ has a fully tweaked system, room tuning and great care has been given to improving the quality of power to his gear.
He inserts an upgraded fuse and hears an imediate improvement,he claims night and day difference.
How much of an improvement would he have heard if he ran stock ,no vibration control(cheap or no audio rack)no room treatment(room resonances and bounce obscure variations in tone and texture)and no power conditioning(huge amounts of leakage from all electrical devices in his home and on the grid or dirty power)?
I am thinking none or not enough to warrant the purchase of the tweak.Hense, it's all hype and snake oil.
One's expectations of gigantic improvement to the sound are dashed.
The reviewer must have been bribed or it's just more hype.
So in this instance I would have to say that yes the new power cord didn't make an improvement.
Only because too many issues weren't addressed and until they are, noticing differences in power cords ie will always be a bone of contention.
I can easily distinguish the differences in my system.
Not because I have golden ears and a goose that lays the golden eggs, but because I've addressed the issues that are an impediment to discerning subtle differences.
And believe me they are mostly subtle, not night and day differences.
If you are looking for new audio thrills, buy new speakers.
If you want to hear how good your system is and how it's sound can be improved, address the issues that need to be addresed.
I know I can offend some folks with opinions like this,but they come from close to 40 years of playing around with this hobby.
It has only been in the last 10 years that I addresed the issues, and have since reaped the rewards.
Not night and day, but subtle, incremental improvements that when combined have made more than a subtle improvement to my sound and my enjoyment of the music.
The first 30 years in this hobby I spent them as my mentor Matt once said as an "audio junkie looking for a new fix".
Jonesing for the big audio thrill is expensive.
All it requires is cash, and very little effort.
Spend the bucks, buy the big new speakers and two weeks later look for another pair after the honeymoon glow wears off.
Spend a little cash but make more of an effort to fix up the vibrations, room booms and electrical crud,and you begin to hear where the big lies are in this hobby.
I agree it's not price alone that determines the quality of our sound.
It's what we do to the systems we have that determines the quality of sound.
Do nothing and everything will sound the same.
I can agree to that,and I speak from personal experience.