El34 vs. KT88

I'm trying to decide which way to go. I have only heard the EL34's in action so far. Did some searching, and I couldn't find what the info I'm looking for yet.

I will using the amp with a pair of old Vandersteen 2C's. Currently considering Line Magnetic 211IA, Rogue Cronus, Primaluna Dialogue, Mystere ia11, and the Sofia 126-03.

What I want to know is which tube will accentuate the highs (10khz and above) better w/o sounding too harsh?

I may also consider 300B or 6L6. Thanks for any tube suggestions.
The ARC is not in my opinion very sweet in the treble. It is by their own account very "High Definition". The sweetest tubes of their own nature are the 6L6, the 300B, the EL-34 and finally the 6550s. I find KT-88s to be somewhat less harsh in any given system than the 6550s. The system however will ultimately decide how the tube sounds. The Vandys naturally have a sweet treble and I would be surprised if anything other than certain crappy tubes of any type would produce strident highs. I happen to be a big fan of the current production Gold Lion tubes. But the KT-88 is a more potent tube in general than an EJ-34 which was really your question. My answer go for a top quality EL-34. Gortunately there are many from reasonable to ridiculously expensive it is your choice. I used to prefer the JJ E34L blue glass but have heard good thing about the reissue Mullards and others.
You may also want to consider the Genelex KT-77's which is an EL-34 variant . I use the Genelex KT-88's in my Cary SLI-80F1 and like them very much as they produce solid bass with extended highs and a nice mid-range basically an all around nice tube.

Robertsong, If you plan on using the older 2Cs stick with ARC. That is all Richard Vandersteen used at the shows back then and Audioquest used Vandersteen speakers to evaluate their cables. You can't go wrong.
"If you plan on using the older 2Cs stick with ARC."

I'm not sure how long I'll be sticking with the 2C's. I want to get a good amp now, and maybe new speakers later. I know for a fact that there are many good tube amps out there that work great with the 2C's. I'll definitely add ARC to the list though.
I agree with Czbbcl on the Genelex Gold Lion KT-77. I have a Music Reference RM-9 MKII. I started with Shuguang EL34 for about 6 years, then went to Shuguang KT88’s for almost a decade and recently re-tubed with the Golden Lion KT-77. I always liked the EL34 midrange and treble, but when I went to the KT88’s I was immediately seduced by the tighter bass and slam. I stayed with them, trying to convince myself that I liked the KT88’s better. One of my KT88’s recently shorted so I pulled the old and tired original Shuguang EL34’s out and re-tubed. With the EL34’s, I remembered what I was missing with the KT88s. Time to re-tube so I gave a call to RamLabs and after some discussion they recommended the Genelex Gold Lion KT-77, it has the magic of the EL34, with the tighter bass and slam of the KT88s. They were correct, in my system, the KT-77 is the best of both worlds. Caveat, my comparison is with Shuguang EL-34 and KT99, compared to Genelex KT77. I have not heard the Genelex Gold Lion EL-34 or KT88 in my system. Who knows, I might be equally blown away by those