06-29-12: Onhwy61
Question -- as a buyer do you pay more for items that include the original packaging? Also, for expensive items, doesn't it make sense for both the seller and the buyer to obtain the manufacturer's packaging even if it adds a few hundred dollars to the price of the transaction?
Excellent question Onhwy61 and one I brought up before which was never answered by the OP. Were these damaged items shipped in original packaging?
As a buyer and seller, I only buy/sell items with original packaging. Yes, it adds more to the price as it should, but it is worth it when considering the shipping risks that are undertaken. Yes, I know that original packaging doesn't guarantee shipping success, but it makes success much more likely AND helps when having to file a damage claim.
I feel little sympathy for those who try to save extra money by buying items without proper packaging who later get a shipping *surprise*. Cheaper is not always the best way to go.