Dedicated AC Power Line vs. Power Conditioner?

Thinking of getting a dedicated AC power line brought into the house by the power company.

Currently using an older Tice power conditioner that I am actually very happy with.

Is this dedicated line going to get me anything? Or will it be gilding the lily?
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The resulting loss of noise from isolating your audio system from other lines is well worth the relatively minor expense if you have a fairly resolving system.

The "versus" part of your system sets a bit of a false dichotomy IMHO. It's not a matter of either or. Improvements in power delivery are cummulative.

If you heard the improvements the Tice brought to your system, you will probably hear what a seperatepower line does. Finally, if you hear what the seperate power line does, you might be amazed at what the latest generation of power conditioners can do.
I agree with everyone so far. It was a great help in my system to add two lines to keep the components separate.
Who could recommend someone who knows what they are doing to install dedicated power lines without charging through the roof?
It shouldn't be that expensive, assuming there's no structural rebuilding needed. Just to run wires from panel to existing boxes cost me about $300, 150 per line. It old be less if you can find a certified electrician doing side (after hours) jobs for cash.