Dedicated AC Power Line vs. Power Conditioner?

Thinking of getting a dedicated AC power line brought into the house by the power company.

Currently using an older Tice power conditioner that I am actually very happy with.

Is this dedicated line going to get me anything? Or will it be gilding the lily?

I had assumed you meant lines from your box and not a new service drop. In any case, there are some pretty good deals on used Hydra's out there and, depending upon how many outlets you need, it might actually be cheaper to upgrade your pc....but I'm a biased Shunyata fanatic. ;-)

Everyone here has made points worth considering. Please post about how things turn out when and if you make the change.
The way i have looked at it is its done more for the system than any 600.00(or more depending)cable upgrade has done,youll never regret it.
I'm planning to add 2 new outlets to my listening room. Plenty of room in the box to add them. 2 Maestro's ordered. What do I ask my electrician to use to wire these runs? Is romex sufficient? If not, what should I use?

Thanks in advance.
Md8232: Your electrician won't have any options. It's the local code that dictates what you can use inside the walls. I personally like BX ( because it has a flexible steel shielding around it and if your local code allows it, I would use it. It's more expensive to buy and to install, but IMHO the shielding from stray RF, fluorescent fixture, microwave, etc. noises is well worth it.

I would also definitely install an "isolation transformer" (see Wikipedia for more info) which isolates the power from the rest of the house and your neighbors. The transformer effect also isolates any stray power line interference and noises. The power line coming from the transformer on the pole (or underground) is supplying power to many homes. That means all of these homes have a common shared power line in parallel until they get to the transformer. So if anyone is operating a electrical device that generates line noise, it will be fed back to your house wires and to your equipment.
I should have mentioned that we live in a rural area. Nearest neighbor is 1 mile away. I think anything goes out here, but we'll definitely use a safe method.

Would BX require a metal outlet box?