why performance increase after pause?

Anyone notice that after pausing, once the gear is fully warmed up and has played several cuts, it immediately sounds better and then after a while levels off as before? I have several amps and notice the same thing with all of them. Could it be the CDP, pre, speaker crossovers cooling down?
It is obvious you have been infected by the audio affliction often referred to as 'imaginary' hearing. It come to all of us very early in our audio lives. Best to ignore it by selling off the offending piece of equipment. That way you can move on to your next imaginary experience.
I suspect it is the crossover. They suck up a lot of power which gets converted into heat which can be sizzlingly hot. Could be the particular speakers I'm using are more prone to this? I'm using a pair of Mission V63s with a pair of Velodyne subs. I have an old pair of Kef 105s I haven't used for a long time but I don't remember this phenomenon with them. But then I didn't listen to CDs with the Kefs. My turntable is also in storage.
Timrhu, send me a PM!( It'll be just between you and me)

As soon as Audiogon reinstates the feature whereby members can contact each other I'll get on it. ;)
Hitting “PAUSE” then hitting the “BACK” button and replaying the same track over will clear the player’s buffer and improve the sound temporarily .. why I’m not exactly sure or have forgotten

It seems the action of clearing the buffer can lead to a slightly improved sound until the buffer starts to refill again

The effect is temporary and very short lived but audible

Maximum Capacity is a rating not a challenge (;-}
Hit the PAUSE button between tracks and then hit the back button and replay that track again ... this should clear the buffer and can improve the sound briefly ...more open and transparent

Why the cleared BUFFER sounds better for a brief period is beyond me ... just try it

Hit PAUSE between tracks .. hit BACK button ... replay the track over ... be happy for free upgrade