i had an s300i for about a year when they were released. tried a few speaker cables and came away feeling the acoustic zen santori shotguns/double barrels sounded the best using my aerial 7b's. (didn't try the reg/single line santori's)
not sure what your toyota is worth but if you find a pair of santori's that aren't "mint" (outside mesh chews up easily)....they can be had for well south of $500 depending on length. there's a pair listed now for $350.
kept them when i switched to a levinson 432 and have no desire to look any further. good all around speaker cable imho. my only complaint would be a little too thick/garden hose like.
not sure what your toyota is worth but if you find a pair of santori's that aren't "mint" (outside mesh chews up easily)....they can be had for well south of $500 depending on length. there's a pair listed now for $350.
kept them when i switched to a levinson 432 and have no desire to look any further. good all around speaker cable imho. my only complaint would be a little too thick/garden hose like.