What value cap to bypass power supply cap?

Is there a way to calculate the value for a bypass cap to parallel a power supply cap? To bypass a coupling cap or crossover cap, I've heard you should use 10 to 20% of the value cap to be by passed. For example, you should use 0.5 microF cap to bypass a 5 microF cap. However, I've heard you should use a standard 0.1 microF cap to bypass power cap, no matter the value (I have power supply caps up to 760 microF).
From many I have talked to, most agree to use bypass caps as close to the amplifier end as possible to filter out those ultra high freq noise in the hundreds of kHz into MHz. So can everyone agree on one sequence of capacitor values that makes sense? I'm not talking about bypass caps for ripple reduction across the power supply caps.

How about 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 microF?

Or even closer spacing?

Any chance of unwanted resonance creeping in using these series of values?
1/50 spacing 0.01, 0.47, and 22 microF also seems reasonable.

1/100 spacing 0.01, 1, 100 doesn't seem to reasonable because 100 microF film caps can get expensive.
I'm not sure why you need sequence of capacitors. It would make sense if you got fast and slower caps but your proposed caps vary only by value. I'm not even sure you need any caps. My vote, as I proposed before is just one cap of 1uF at the amplifier. Don't complicate it too much - just wire main caps with good heavy gauge wire and make sure amp is connected to the last cap since it is common mistake people make.
Sequence of bypass caps to cover broader range of filtering from several hundred kHz to 10s of MHz. They will be at the amplifier end as you recommend.
I agree with Kijanki that using three or four different value caps seems like overkill. Admittedly we are going on instinct, because there are many variables and unknowns involved, relating to the design of the amp, the characteristics of the capacitors, and the characteristics of the incoming AC. And because issues involving noise tend not to have a great deal of predictability.

My vote would be for at most two values, either 0.1 uf or 1.0 uf or both.

Best regards,
-- Al