What city do you live in?

Just curious because I thought it might be cool to actually meet some of you in person and check out your sound systems. There are some incredibly knowledgeable people here who I'd imagine have incredible sound systems. I'm new to this and am going to my first audio show in Denver but I'd bet that some of you have better sound in your own homes. Also, is there a way to private message someone? Thanks in advance!
Hey, Neil (Lneilb)! Looks like you already tried, years ago, something similar to what I was trying to accomplish here. Too bad you didn't have much luck. It was, and still is a good idea. It's funny, maybe actually sad, that many people will not put out the required effort, time and planning in order to get together and share common passions. I can see that there are alot of quality people here.
@Rodman, you got confused! That was a cut and paste from Tpreaves, and I think it was b.s. No rocket scientist would drive, let alone own such crappy vehicles.
10-05-12: B_limo
Tpreaves, if you're that hot brunette that lives down the street from me, then definately not. I was just looking for my lost cat, in the bushes, and up in that tree, and I was only using binoculars because I can't see very well at night.
B_limo (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

I like this guy, he could compete with my audio group for sick humor. Next time you travel this way come by and listen with us.

We are in DFW area, where earthquakes come but once a century and we just had ours.
Yakima, WA here, I just got back from a live performance with Chick Corea and Gary Burton and my stereo system sounds way better. LOL just kidding. They were playing at The Seasons, it is an old church with incredible acoustics and their performance was great.
@ B_limo: I never have seen the post from TP. It seems quite a large number of individuals highly desire classics, such as an original '58 Pan. That's why they command such high prices, here and especially abroad. Happy listening & fortune in your search for friends.