is one ear usually stronger?

it seems that maybe i hear better out of my right ear because they soundstage seems slightly offset to the right no matter what I do. i've noticed this with different amps, speakers and rooms / placement. is this normal? have you, or do you experience this? i'm wondering if one ear just hears better, just like one eye is stronger. Im going to get my hearing chrcked, for peace of mind.

Just go to a walk in clinic and get an ear cleaning with a flush of warm liquid cleaner, to completely remove all the wax.

A few years ago I had a blocked ear with wax, when I cleaned my ear with a cotton swab, and could not hear out of one ear. A nurse at a nearby walk in clinic cleaned both ears for cheap.

The Hydrogen Peroxide 10 minute bubble works just fine to loosen things up, but then you need to use a $5 rubber ear syringe/bulb and some warm water to flush out the wax. Works like a charm.
Debrox is the commercial ear cleaning product recommended by my doctor. Comes with a bulb for suctioning.