Thanks for your comments and viewpoint.I made it a point to be clear about the enrivoment in the jazz I attended.Kenny Washington`s stand up bass was 'natural' and unboosted. Definitely not'tight' in the audiophile sense.This is why IMO tube amplifier bass sound more real than most solid state when reproducing acoustic bass, there`s no artificial'slam' added.I do appreciate though that many do like that 'slam' factor and I`m likely in the minority..
Thanks for your comments and viewpoint.I made it a point to be clear about the enrivoment in the jazz I attended.Kenny Washington`s stand up bass was 'natural' and unboosted. Definitely not'tight' in the audiophile sense.This is why IMO tube amplifier bass sound more real than most solid state when reproducing acoustic bass, there`s no artificial'slam' added.I do appreciate though that many do like that 'slam' factor and I`m likely in the minority..