Slow speaker cables?

Okay, so what's the deal here? What are you hearing that makes a speaker cable slow or fast? I don't get it. You tellin me that with fast cables, the kick drum is right on time, and with slow cables that it's just a fraction of a millisecond behind, and you can hear that? Huh!?! Wouldn't a slower cable slow all parts of signal down, not just one part? I don't get it.
As alluded to by others, clarity vs congestion (distortion) can have a perceived effect on the speed of the sound.

I surrender, there is no such thing as fast (less distortion, more accurate) cables or slow (more distorted, less accurate) cables.

That also means that there are no bright, warm, dark or cool cables or components. In fact, solid state and tubes don't have a different sound either.

Which ultimately leads to: a $100.00 piece of equipment sounds just as good musically as a $10K piece of equipment, so anyone having anything more costly than a transistor radio has just wasted their hard earned money.


Getting back to the real world, Al, Alex and David, thank you! The goal is to get the music from the source to and out of the speakers as accurately as possible. That's the ideal senario so that the music as it was recorded is portrayed as it was recorded. I remember conversations that I had with Chris Sommovigo (Stereovox) and Darren Censullo (Avatar Acoustics) years ago.

Chris said that everything in a cable or component is important. You can have the most perfect transmission wire and connectors in cables, but if the connections between the wire and the connectors is lacking, you're hosed. It's simply, the chain is only as good as the weakest link .

Darren said that the transmission of the music from the source to the speakers can only be degraded, there is nothing that can be added to the original signal to make it more accurate than the original signal.

Anything that masks the original signal can be classified as some form of distortion. It may be tubes adding harmonics (warmth) that really aren't there in the original recording. It may be other things like RFI or EMI interference adding noise perceived as sound and masking important aspects in the original signal. It may be small things like solder connections interferring and not passing the signal correctly. And like Al said, inductance, capacitance and resistance can have the effect of slightly altering the musical signal.


Getting back to your original question. Yes, your brain does have the ability to recognize millisecond differences in what you hear.

Think about hearing a guitar string or key on a piano that is just slightly out of tune. The wave is just a hair off (shorter or longer), but you recognize that it is off, that something just isn't right about the sound.

Some of the best sounding amps have limited bandwidth. I don't understand how greater high frequency extension="faster". Is it not rise time that ultimately determines the perceived speed of the amp at the upper end of the scale? Not taking you to task Al.
As far as cable speed goes, I once picked up an old Yamaha TT that looked like an upper end model back in the 80's. Nice precision tone-arm. When I tried it out, I could hardly believe how sluggish it sounded. Also no extension either way. Almost like AM radio. When I stripped some of the fine wire in the tone-arm, it was so tarnished it was dark brown. I rewired it and it then sounded great. I may have answered my own question but I'm not sure how.