My two cents...

Okay, so I'm debating "upgrading" from my paradigm studio 20's to studio 60's. I went down to the shop that I've been working with to do some a/b testing tonight and came to the conclusion that the studio 60's stomped the 20's in terms of bass performance and therefore I'm going to pull the trigger on the upgrade, but that's not the point of this post. What suprised me most was how horrible they both sounded compared to my own studio 20's. I totally understand why people think these speakers kind of suck. Both models mid to high frequencies sounded really bad compared to mine, and that's being nice. It's funny because when I mentioned to my salesperson how they sounded so much better with my amp/pre-amp, and cables he looked at me and said that these were actually hooked up to a good amp. Paleease! Just makes me feel better about my rig since I have $1600 in my amp/pre-amp, cd player and dac vs the $4000 he was trying to sell his amp/pre-amp, cd player for. Night and day difference. All the headaches, research and late nights on the gon actually paid off. I must extend a thank-you to all you who have helped guide me with cable selection, speaker placement, components etc., and most importantly, knowledge. I've come along way since starting 8 months ago, and like with most things in life, the more you know, the more you realize you don't know, but still, I'm learning also that it's maybe more about the journey than the destination. It's just nice to know also that where I'm at ain't bad at all!
Kijanki, I agree with your point about system synergy. I recall reading some pretty unfriendly reviews of the Paradigm Signature 8 v1, which had aluminum tweeters.

Some of the comments mentioned listening fatigue which the listeners attributed to the S8 v1's tweeters. Other listeners said the S8 v2 and v3, which use beryllium tweeters, were "tipped bright," even hot. I own the S8 v2's, but drive the speakers with all ARC tube gear. I think the speakers sound just fine. I surmise ARC tube gear tames the S8's Be tweeeters.

I suspect that synergy issues follow most systems, maybe even $160K Magicos or Wilsons. I also agree with Viridian that room placement makes a big difference too. Paradigm speakers are generally designed to have flat a FR. Perhaps the 120 Hz "hump" you heard may have been a low frequency harmonic bouncing around.

In any case, sounds like you're in audio heaven now. So enjoy!!
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Lol, I suppose that makes me an audiophile. I really do need to buy some acoustic panels. I was going to try to make some but after ordering some owens corning, running all over town and then building them, I figured I'd just buy some. Don't really know why I'm waiting so long to treat the room.