ps audio p500

is a ps audio p500 powerful enough to power a 225 watt amp
a pre amp and a cd player
Some use the older Power Plant adjustable frequency control as a turntable speed controller (assuming that the motor is AC powered). If you plan on using this feature, make sure that the Power Plan has the updated software chip that allows for minute frequency adjustment as appose to the standard course adjustment.

Exercise caution if using an older Power Plant with frequency adjustment on any equipment with ac motors as it will affect motor speed i.e. some CD players, tape recorders etc.
There are many methods to reduce power line noise within an AC line. Balance power is just one method to eliminate power line noise by using an isolation transformer configured to provide common mode cancelation.

The P500 does not utilize balance power to remove AC line noise, it utilizes a more sophisticated method by rebuilding (regenerating) the AC signal.