Help with tube specs

I will be getting a pair of EML 300b "mesh pate" tubes in a few days.

EML warns that the meshes should be run between 22-28 watts of dissipation with the closer to 22 the better and 28 MAX.

The amp I will be using them in is fine but I have another amp I'm not sure of. It's a Welborne 300b DRD. I was able to find this much:

">>>I have a Welborne manual for the 300B DRD and there are no voltages given in the manual. However, the original owner wrote his voltages on the schematic after he built the amps. He shows 505V on the plate and 190V on the cathode for a plate voltage of 315V. He also shows a cathode current of 65mA. So that means you have a plate dissipation of 20.5W.<<<

I also got this:

" The 300b mesh will not tolerate 500v on the plate. Even with a reduced dissipation on the tube, the tube won't last!"

I also read that with the tube drawing 1.4 amps at 5 volts (7 watts) you would add this to the 20.5W for a total of 27.5W. At least that keeps me in the 22-28 realm.

Can anyone help me sift thru this info? Opinions as to "how safe" it would be would be appreciated.

In the meantime, I will only run it in the safe amp for warranty purposes but would eventually like to try it in the DRD and would hate to eat the money if it's a mismatch.

I don't know the answer, Harry, but I would caution that the voltages and current marked on the person's schematic may vary significantly depending on the characteristics of the particular type of 300B that is being used. Unless the person was known to be using EML mesh 300B's, I would not count on those numbers as being applicable, especially given how close you would be coming to the 28W absolute maximum rating.

Best regards,
-- Al
P.S: I note, though, that the 28W absolute maximum rating is for "plate dissipation." That would NOT include the 7W that is dissipated as a result of the filament current, which of course greatly increases the likelihood that the tube will be suitable.

Best regards,
-- Al
Al, you are my wish come true. I hoped you would see this thread and respond.

Good call on that "one" builders notes.

If I find the correct numbers for this amp, and let's say they are close to to 500 plate and 190 cathode, is the tube seeing the 500 (as the dealer warns) or do I subtract the cathode to arrive at the volts the tube is receiving?

Also, if I feel like gambling without known specs, do you think I would be safe using them if:

I turn the amp on in a dark room...

Look for any spark or flash at start up...

If so far so good, continue to watch the meshplates as they warm up in the first minutes and beyond to see if there are any signs that they are beginning to red plate and turn it off immediately.

These mono blocks use a 5ar4 for rectifying so I get a little bit of a slow start.
Hi Harry,

I wouldn't worry about the 500+ volts. The tube just sees the difference between the plate and cathode voltages. I suppose it is possible that there might be a small fraction of a second somewhere during the turn-on process where that difference is significantly greater than the much lower value it subsequently stabilizes at, but I'd be very surprised if that could cause any problems. And I see that the tube is rated to withstand up to 450 volts, provided that the 450V does not persist for a long enough period of time, in combination with high current levels, for the resulting power dissipation to be a problem.

The 450V rating, btw, is the same as the rating of the original Western Electric tube. I can't see any reason why exceeding that number by 10% or 20% or so for a small fraction of a second, if it were to happen at all, might cause a problem.

As far as the second part of your question is concerned, given the precautions you would be taking, and the substantial margin between the 28W absolute maximum rating and the 20.5W someone measured with the same model amplifier but probably with a different type of 300B, and also the margin between the 65 ma he measured and the tube's 80 ma maximum current rating, intuitively it strikes me as a reasonable gamble. But hopefully someone with knowledge and experience that is more directly relevant than mine will chime in.

Best regards,
-- Al
Hi Onemug,
I hope these mesh plate 300b work out well for you.If that`s the case I`d be interested to read your impressions.I`ve not heard this particular tube but it has a very good reputation for excellent sound quality.This is a true mesh plate design as opposed to a'perforated' plate copy.