Help me find my Weak Link.

There is just something Missing in my System. I think that I just don't have the proper pairing of components.

Pre Amp: Spectral DMC 20
Amp: Sim Audio Moon W-5
Speakers: B&W N802
CD Player: Wadia 6 with Upgrades from wadia and Great Northern Black Caps.
Cables: Nordost SPM
Interconnects: Nordost quatrofil
Richard Gray Power supplies and Shunyata Power Cables.

I'm thinking that the spectral doesn't quite fit into the Mix with what i'm currently using?

Suggestions Please.
I agree, the Spectral would be a good place to start. Looking at that line up I'm thinking you would be looking for something that would make your system sound more warm and musical perhaps? Maybe a nice tube preamp?
I agree with with John and additionally I would also recommend changing the speaker cables to something that has a blend of copper and gold or just copper. Stay away from cables that are built like garden hoses as well. I am partial to the Morrow Audio SP6, Audience Au24 "e" and the Cardas Clear.
Can you list what you like and dislike about your system. You'll get much better answers that way.