Difference in quality in products made in China?

There is a belief among many audiophiles that electronics assembled in China or Korea are not as well made as products assembled in the USA and England. This has nothing to do,(I believe) with the "technical abilities" of workers, as it has to do with standards of quality control, and the sourcing of less quality parts throughout Asia

This may be all hogwash and just biased opinion, but this question comes up to often to be quickly dismissed. From my own experience which is limited compared to other members, the products(amps. pre-amps CD players) I have owned that were made in the USA, or UK, and Canada, have been solid in terms of long term reliability. I would like to hear others opinions on this issue.
Also did you know that Jews and Asians traditionally have scored higher on SAT's than any other documented group. Nevertheless, Asians face the toughest challenges being accepted to top ranked colleges in America. But luckily for me, the conservatories have a high population of Asians with admirable intelligence and natural ability.
China reformed their educational system in the early 80's which resulted in better educated students. In the 60's the U.S. school's were number one globally with the highest SAT score's but when the AFL-CIO took control and unionized the teacher's in the 70's education quality in the states has been on a downward spiral ever since.
Asians have always faced discrimination in the US educational system. Look back to Lau vs Nichols and the San Francisco Board of Education. I doubt if anyone could even name me five current Asian American College Presidents.
Goofyfoot...I've re-opened the case at least as it pertains to you. As you seem comfortable with an astonishing level of cluelessness and misinformation regarding topics ranging from hand safety (!) to Asian education possibilities (Lau vs. Nichols was about language based immigration issues, a topic utterly irrelevant to even this convoluted thread), I can only suggest you may do better arguing your baseless race and orthopaedic theories with a less sophisticated group as you seem oblivious to having your hat so frequently handed to you. Dudes (and Dudettes) like yourself often embrace mythological racist theories out of fear and ignorance fueled by personal insecurity...generally one of civilization's worst characteristics that does no good for anybody, and promotes hatred and violence every god damned day.