Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
@ judyazblues and audiolabryinth. I think there are great cable makers out here. I am not an award kind of guy I listen to the music. They are both great cable makers. High fidelity and tara labs. I have been impressed with both. I was just reporting what I heard this weekend. Great sound come in variety. There is no one great sound. There are multiple ones and it all depends on taste. When I hear a great system or cables I will tell people. Maybe they both are great or it could be a matter of taste. I just know what I heard this weekend sounded great. High fidelity is a great cable. I have listened to more than 25 different cable brands. You can't go wrong with them. Also what I have heard from tara labs is good
Hi Judyazblues, somehow when I think of what you are saying, I believe you!, I do want you to know, I have NO connection with tara labs, I enjoy the sound, went thru many cables to be sure of this, since Tara labs has come out with NEW cables, I believe they deserve a fair shot in the market place, To be considered some of the best out there, there will be always a particular tast in sound an individule prefers over the next, what cable brand are you useing these days?, If I am not mistaken, I saw that you sold some cables you had?, cheers.
Hi Misternice, Yes, I have explored the area of racks etc..., I look forward to your honest impressions of what the rack did for your sound, I agree, Tara Labs power cables can influence bass, I enjoy having dishes rattle, gives me a sence of a bomb going off, LOL!
@audiolybaryinth. I waiting for my e.a.r 868 to arrive. My friend brought his to my house today and we ahead against a cary slp05 that was loaned to me by my dealer. The ear 868 beat it hands down. The cary is a good pre amp but I can't wait until my brand new ear 868 arrives. I have found my pre amp for at least the next 5 years if not longer.