Anyone ever think about building a dedicated room?

It looks like sometime in the future, when my girlfriend and I get married, that I'll be moving in to her place. She's currently living in a guest apartment in a house with plenty of space in the back yard. I've been toying with the idea of having a 15' x 25' (dimensions can be smaller) "shed" out back. I figured I could have it built with super thick walls and lots of insulation so that I could just use a space heater in the winter, and in the summer I guess I could open the doors and blow in some fresh air. All I would need would be some good electrical outlets and I'd be good, right? Have any of you thought about doing something similar and if so, what obstacles would I have? I don't even know if something like this would be worth it.
Married with a 'man cave', I don't think so. Best you spend the first couple of years together without creating your 'get away' space. Any woman, assuming 'sound' mind, would be crazy to buy into your plan. Wait until you both are ready to buy your own place, with room for a paid for addition. By that time you will both know what 'married' is all about. So, come to your senses quickly, or your relationship is doomed.
We're all thinking about it if we don't already have one but are you serious? Please tell us how old you are! I'm 21 again.

Buc, you're very kind.
Man caves...especially a pure audiophile type...will put any marriage to the test. The more fanatical you are to the cave - the more struggle you will have with the relationship. Heed the advice; it's true. You may want to wait awhile, as per above recommendations before she catches any scent of's a serious disease.. From experience: I built a dedicated room from scratch in a detached garage. MUCHO time building...rigging...tweaking...and finally: listening...the key word here being TIME. You probably can't spare it early on. Good luck later though, you'll have much better odds. P.S. It IS well worth the final results "ordinary" "Live - In - Room" can compete with a dedicated one.
Not even married yet and looking for a self haven to retreat to? Bad vibes all around.