Which headphones??

Okay, so I'm now leaning towards getting a nice headphone set-up. I am thinking that I'll probably get a couple pairs of headphones when It's all said and done because there just seems to be benefits and negatives about different designs.

Initially, I'd just like to use the headphone amp in my z dac. I am looking at a pair of sennheiser hd 598 new in box for $200 on c-list. These cans seem to get good reviews but I figure I'll want something with a closed design later on so that I can block out exterior sounds also.

I really want something with a great soundstage and imaging, I want it to sound as good as my stereo system, or close to it!

Thanks for your help with this one!!
Marakanetz, Are you satisfied that you used an amp that best matched the Senn's you listened to. FWIW, for example, I tried a highly regarded amp, as well as a CDP with a capable built in amp. Both of my Senn Headphones (598 and 650) sounded like crap with SS amps. Especially the 650's.

i tried them with consonance the tube unit and tried them with grado amp 10m tops while AKGs and T70 currently owned I can listen for good few hours.
I don't mind spending some money on a headphone set-up because it will be my main audio fix, here in a couple months. I can't really audition different headphones because there aren't any shops that carry the ones I'm interested in.

So far, I guess it's between the sd 650's and T70's.
I know that matching them with the right amp is important also. What headphone amps do you fellas recommend for the 650's? T70's?

Thanks again guys!
I haven't heard the T70s, but based on the graphs at Headroom and some reviews I've read, they and the Sennheisers could be wildly different sounding. I have heard the HD650, and they're very full and rich sounding, with emphasized bass and a soft but still resolved treble. The T70 has a pretty sharp spike in the treble that could be quite fatiguing. If you really want a sealed can, look at the Sennheiser Momentum (which in my book wins an award for best-looking headphone) or the AKG 550--both very well reviewed. The HD600 is considered by many to be better (more neutral) than the HD650, too.

Headroom lets you use a comparison function to overlay frequency response for various 'phones. In my experience the graphs have been pretty accurate to my subjective experience with most headphones I've heard.



Sennheiser HD600! I'd suggest you actually try to listening to the 600 vs. the 650 as I've read many opinions favoring the classic 600. The 600's one of those rare audio products that get's it SO right it's considered a classic! Might save you $100 that you can put towards the Cardas cable or headphone amp! I have an old Musical Fidelity tube headphone amp, HD600 + tubes has long been recognized as a yummy combo!;)