Which headphones??

Okay, so I'm now leaning towards getting a nice headphone set-up. I am thinking that I'll probably get a couple pairs of headphones when It's all said and done because there just seems to be benefits and negatives about different designs.

Initially, I'd just like to use the headphone amp in my z dac. I am looking at a pair of sennheiser hd 598 new in box for $200 on c-list. These cans seem to get good reviews but I figure I'll want something with a closed design later on so that I can block out exterior sounds also.

I really want something with a great soundstage and imaging, I want it to sound as good as my stereo system, or close to it!

Thanks for your help with this one!!

Have you contacted The Cable Company to see if the 600s or 650s (or similarly priced models from HiFiMan, Grado, Beyerdynamic, Denon etc.) are available from their lending library?

Find a way to listen to at least a few different cans before pulling the trigger. And hear for yourself the difference between open and closed cans.
Rosco, that's def. good advice but the problem is my only headphone amp right now is my parasound z dac. I'd like to pair the cans up with an amp that is going to have good synergy with the headphones I choose.

What advice to have regarding this?
Well, if you are going with the ZDDac, then I'd avoid the harder to drive HiFiMan cans.

But I am not sure where the problem is.

If the Cable Company carries headphones in the price range you are looking at in their Lending Library, I'd take advantage of that. Headphones are light and cheap to ship, so I'd find a way to try some out if you can find a way.

Audition, Audition, Audition. You can use HeadFi etc to narrow down the choices. A'gon forums are great for a lot of things, but HeadFi is the king of headphone forums. Some Looong threads tho.
Head fi org is laid out so terrible that I can't even stand to be on that site. They really need to take a look at audiogon.

Anyways, thats why I'm coming back here, besides, I think that you guys know about some good sounding headphones. Soooo, I' thinking that I'm going to need to spend a good chunk of change now in order to get a headphone rig that I can actually get excited about listening to like my 2 channel rig. I'm starting to think about a pair of Audeze LCD2 with possibly a schitt lyr headphone amp and possibly a bifrost dac. What do you guys think? I'm not really interested in dropping $100 through the cable company to just audition this set-up so I'd like to get your input.

Thanks guys!
Audeze is good pick when you don't know about options for less money that will perform same or even better.

Check out the link bellow and check out all the options Drew offers through his website. He's A+ dealer.

I also disclaim to have no profit interest offering the link bellow.
