Music Server now bane of my existence

After years of waiting and rendering the landscape of servers as too complex, confusing and basically useless for my purposes, I've delved into the world of a Mojo Audio music server. The Biggest Dog they sell. Now, I've determined I'm technically in over my head and run out of invectives.

I need a "Music Server for Dummies" lexicon and flow chart. Yes, I will contact them this week also.

To my surprise, there is no drive with the new Mini Mac. So I need that. And how will I burn discs for friends? And do I just use the USB out from the server to my USB DAC for optimal playback? Which USB? Or should it be a USB conversion to coaxial? I researched and purchased a 3TB Western Digital hard drive for dedicated backup. Will that suffice for this?

I purchased the Apple wireless keyboard and outboard trac-pad to navigate.

I'm at a crossroads as to continue with predictable brain damage assembling all of the parts or return this and wait again for this industry to collectively simplify the process. I've gone with the MAC so I can easily interface with my iPod pieces. Thank you to all for insight into this gnarly subject.
Here I am typing this running screen sharing on a 2011 MacBook Air remote
controlling a 2009 MacBook Pro (quite ancient) over wifi (on the MBA) and
wired (to the MBP) and it still works remarkably well.

It is a bit slow if you are running a full HD and communicating over wifi for
both but that would be due to the slowness of wifi rather than the OS
Dogglehowser - what screen resolutions are you using? I agree that when I use my linux laptop wired to the network (Mac mini - brand new and on the wireless) things are better. But the ipad and mac mini combo is very frustrating. When you say screen sharing - are you using third party software? Or a VNC server/client? Thanks for any useful tips.

I use MochaVNC on the iPad but I suspect the speed on that has to do with the inadequacy of the iPad's hardware. The MBP/MBAs do a decent job even over wifi talking to the Mini which is connected over wired

FWIW, I don't use VNC on the Mini to play music but only the occasional setup/upgrade/system housekeeping. I use Remote to play.
Thanks for the warning. I plan to steer clear of this technology for the time being.
I'm with Jburidan on this one, always have been actually. Development of PC audio is on a constant rise with the positive benefits of improvement and the negative detraction of obsolescence of what you just bought not 3 months ago.

There is an attraction of knowing how to implement it and the rewards one gets when successful but there is no standardization or even agreement as to what sounds best, let alone works best. Then there is the need for constant, or at least, periodic adjustments. It's not in the least reassuring when I read of someone who has a high level of expertise in PC audio bragging about how nothing's gone wrong for the last half year.

If and when PC audio leaves the realm of the PC and is becomes just as foolproof as inserting a CD into a CDP and pushing a button, I'm not going to be part of the advance movement of this side of audio. I've neither the time, skill and patience. One glitch or hangup that requires a reboot, reflash or kick in the CPU gives me the shudders. Call me a PC Luddite and I'll happily wear the moniker. :-)

I salute those who go before me and brave the elements as they perfect this medium and will continue to read up and watch, from afar.

All the best,