Anybody have an actively multi-amplified system?


I am one of the very rare breeds that has a fully active system, 6 Jeff Rowland monoblocks running Klipschorns with an Accuphase F-25V electronic crossover in front of the amplifiers, and the passive crossovers taken out of the speakers. It sounds absolutely phenomenal, like nothing else out there. I've been in the business 35 years and have yet to meet anyone (in home audio at least) who has done something similar. It's done all the time in pro audio, yet nobody talks about it for home use. It's widely known that an actively amplified setup simply IS better than any passively crossed over speaker, since the dividing is done before the amplifier, each amplifier only amplifies a certain frequency range, and then the output of the amplifier is connected directly to an individual driver with nothing in between. If anyone has such a setup, is interested in learning more about one, or wants to throw in their 2 cents, please do! It's about time we did talk about this, and I can't believe in all these years more companies haven't actively (pun intended) embraced this type of setup. Also, if anyone has crossover cards for an F-25V crossover, please let me know!!!
Dealer post disclaimer.....not trying to sell here but I have been selling completely active systems with time and phase alignment software which is integrated into the xover matrix for 12 individual drivers and separate amplifiers for each driver, for the last 10 years. Our latest incarnation is also completely wireless, have a peek.
Why would you encourage me to go with something flat, boring, and somewhat trebly? I'm somewhat baffled. The Marchand has a good reputation and following. In any case, I'm interested in top notch components.
Csontos, I'm not encouraging you to go with anything in particular. The Behringer can be modded pretty easily, with much better op-amps, power supply, etc. to make it WAY better than it ships out of the factory. I'm sorry, I don't know much about the Marchand, I'd never heard of it before this. I'm just not much on equipment with point-to-point wiring, that's all. There's an Accuphase F-25 on Ebay right now, if I needed one and I had the cash, that's what I'd go with. Just an opinion.