Is USB overrated as decent digital source?

Some of the USB DACs or USB-SPDIF converters are really expensive, are they really worth the price?

Is USB overrated?

Lets discuss.

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Actually the transport is not mine but one of my freinds' transport.
It seems that the venerable Benchmark DAC has been upgraded to include a USB port. Has anybody head this one?

Bel Canto DAC 3, USB from a Mac, is exquisite --
compared to my $2500 CD player ( brand withheld
in respect ). Apple Lossless, or uncompressed AIFF,
either, USB to a DAC like the Bel Canto 3 ... Best of
everything: no more shiny discs, iTunes interface --
which is not perfect yet, but, sure beats flipping discs.

Throw a couple of Bel Canto monoblocs
in the mix, and I haven't heard better except for maybe
the $30k + Linn activ set-up at my dealer. Maybe that set-up
was better ... but I'm not at all sure that it was.
I actually auditioned the Bel Canto DAC 3 prior to auditioning the Brick and was not as impressed, and the price was really high for the sound. It sounded stale in my system. The DAC chip they use in there (TI) is largely a commodity chip and in my system I could hear the difference between it and a few other DAC's I auditioned. Most notably the Wavelength Brick was just second to none of the DAC's I auditioned. Incredible detail and very musical, and hand-made piece as well.