What format are most people using, and why?

Are most people just using WAV or another lossless format like FLAC?

I have personally used FLAC because of its ability to store metadata like cd and track name info, file sizes being ~25% smaller than WAV, ability to be streamed, and obviously the lossless aspect.

I am thinking about re-encoding my collection and was wondering what other people are using.

Harry, I have been busy putting my CDs on hard drive and up to this point have not really considered putting any vinyl there. I figured my records would sound better played as is without converting it to digital. Other than being more convenient when stored to your hard drive do you see other benefits?

I looked at that Adobe program. Looks very powerful. It looks like it will do 32/196. Have you tried that? Seems like it would take a lot of space.

Do you use it to correct defects such as pops and ticks on from the vinyl? Is it effective?

Can it manage your library like iTunes or do you use it just to playback through it?

How much hard drive space does a file take at 24/96? I think a 16/44 file is about 10 Mbytes a minute.

Hello Herman. Vinyl does sound worse once digitally recorded, but 24/96 seems to be the balance of nice sound without eating up too much hard drive. I don't do any correction,as a matter of fact I run it thru my Supratec Cabernet to boost the gain enough for recording. I only record 1-2 songs per album. Maybe 40 songs total. It doesn't eat up too much hard drive. Adobe is nice, but there are so many free choices.
I see that you are using the Lynx 2. Have you tried to connect the soundcard direct to your pre-amp (or amplifier) using the card's balanced cables? If so, how did it sound like?

I want to get the same card and use its analog outputs. I wonder if this configuration will give me a satisfactory result - good enough to avoid the cost of a digital out/external DAC setup.

I advance my thanks
I use WMA lossless. My only use is home playback at this point - I don't have much use for portable playback. Lossless is a key factor, and as others have said, WAV doesn't do the tagging info.

I don't spend much time on comparing encoding schemes, etc., so I pretty much defaulted into WMA, figuring it was lossless and would be supported forever since it's a MSFT creation. What I would like is a hard-drive-based car system that connects wirelessly to the home network, and syncs with the music files you put in a particular directory on your music server. If I could get that and it needed something other than WMA, I'd go to the trouble of converting. Otherwise, WMA lossless works great, and HD space is cheap enough now that the cost allows you to archive all the music you want to.
I own and love the Lynx 2b I have.

I run this direct into my Pass x-150 using balanced connections. It is signifacantly better than my old trans/ dac combo.

I think the nalaog outs are great on the Lynx 2, and if you factor in doing room correction and crossovers from the computer, it can yeild great sound!