Does Apple Lossless + iTunes + Windows = Perfect

Hi... I was about to start the process of converting all of my CD's to Apple Lossless in iTunes. I was planning on loading a 60gb iPod with the music as well as purchasing a Squeezebox for home listening, both in Lossless. I am running a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop with Windows XP.

After doing research on this forum and adioasylum it looks like my project has come to a hault. Apparently, there is something called Kmixer in Windows that upsamples the music when it is recorded. According to users this has a negative effect on the music. Currently, iTunes can't circumvent it. Therefore, it's my understanding that the Apple Lossless copy on my hard drive would be of inferior quality than the CD.

So many questions... Don't know where to begin... I was hoping those with experience in PC audio could address my concerns: (1) The people at Apple say that iTunes with sound better over Mac? (2) I was really wanting to start on this project, should I put it off and let the format wars go on for another year or so? (3) Is all of this not really going to make an audible sound difference?

Please help me clear all of this up...Thanks!
From reading related threads on AgoN, I gather that many of us are happy storing our music as Apple Lossless files, because we can't hear any difference between AL and WAV or AIFF. Also, John Atkinson in Stereophile examined files that were converted into AL and then converted back to lossless format and found that the result was a bit perfect copy of the original (article can be found by searching So, there is analytical reassurance, if that helps.

BTW, Apple Lossless files can be converted to WAV files, but there's not much point to it. If one is persuaded that AL is truly lossless, there's no reason to go back to larger files. If one is not, then the reconverted WAV files wouldn't be as good as the originals, so why would you want them?

Kubla, I use iTunes on Macs, so can't address most of your questions. But with respect to compilations, check to see that the "part of a compilation" box is checked in the file's Get Info window. iTunes always stores by artist, except if this box is checked. Then it stores by album title inside a folder called "Compilations."
For more info on aspects of computer audio (including wav v. lossless, etc, you should see this thread:

The posts by Edesilva are particularly helpful, especially the last several which describe moving your audio files around on hard drives.

I think there is an iTunes for dummies book. if they had a foobar for dummies i would buy it
Hello Mdp0430,
You know what, I ask the same question back in march-06.

I found the answer in this thread

In the end, the answer is

Windows iTunes->AX->Toslink->DAC is BIT PERFECT and it does bypass k-mixer

get JRIVER MC 11.1 It plays Apple lossless and outputs ASIO to circumvent KMIXER.

Also, supports multiple databases with 100,000+ entries.

Free to try, $40 after 30 days. IMHO, well worth the money.
I woudl avoid using iTunes with a PC at all. It does not bypass Windows KMIXER. Better off to use iTunes with a MAC or Foobar2000 with a PC.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio