I use the 2TB LaCie Bigger Disk Triple. You can use USB, FW400 or FW800. I have 4 of these daisy-chained together for my DVD movies and music.
External hard drive for expanding iTunes library?
Get an external HDD box like this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817146602 Then put a 400GB ATA HDD in it for around $110, such as this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16822152043 This combo will set you back around $150 and will work with both USB and firewire. (I use it with firewire on my Mac, and it works great.) Very quiet and a cinch to install. I agree with Herman that you do need an additional one for backups. Michael |
Thanks for the links Michael. I learned something new and I like the price and serviceablity of the products. But I'm still hoping for comments on the G-DRIVE 500GB which is claimed to dissipate heat well. I don't mind spending more money for quality and reliability. And it seem the consensus is I'll need to buy two hard drives; one active and one for back up. I know this guy who keeps his back-up HD in a safe deposit box and weekly updates it. I'm not ready to go that far. |